RockWorks versions

Analyzes and plans the development of mining sites
Jun 4, 2020
Editorial review
Jul 7, 2013
Oct 28, 2009
Nov 8, 2012
Dec 24, 2008
Feb 7, 2014

What's new

v2019.3 [Apr 18, 2019]
-Upload (3/28/2019/MMM): Revision 2019.3.28 uploaded to the RockWare website.
- Bug Fix (3/27/2019/MIW): The Legend options for 3D Multiple Striplogs weren't being saved.
-Bug Fix (3/27/2019/JCJ): The PLSS Offset vs. quarter/quarter radio buttons on the tabsheet tabs are now both being updated.
-Bug Fix (3/25/2019/JCJ): Made a fix to the Land Grid tab-delimited System Table for custom grid coordinates, it was not loading the entire the point stream.
-Bug Fix (3/21/2019/JCJ): Added a fix to the database's Color Fill table, you can enable/disable all Show Label fields at once. Tabbing thru the last row will now insert an new row as the other tables do.
-Bug Fix (3/20/2019/MIW): Specifying a column for Easting or Northing columns in Utilities/Map/Grid Based Map that didn't include input units caused the program to keep asking to automatically fix input units.
- Bug Fix (3/20/2019/MIW): Failure to create a grid in Utilities/Map/Grid Based Map caused an Access Violation error.
-Bug Fix (3/20/2019/MIW): Fixed some issues displaying Color Tables and modifying label text in RockPlot3D
-Enhancement (3/18/2019/JCJ): When editing one of the "Project Tables" you may click on the column title to sort on it, and if you click one the column title a second time it will reverse the sort. Then clicking on the "Renumber" option the the "Order" column will be updated to the current sort order.
-Bug Fix (3/18/2019/MIW): The Recent Projects menu item could cause an Access Violation error in certain circumstances.
-Bug Fix (3/14/2019/MIW): The Size, Color and Font Name can now be modified in RockPlot3D Bitmap Text.

v16.0 [Jul 7, 2013]
- Point Maps: Display map locations with icons, circles, cones, cylinders, and strike and dip symbols.
- Line Maps: Display lines, polylines, tubes, parabolas, and pipelines in Google Earth.
- Polygon Maps: Display polygons, claims, leases, PLSS sections, and U.S. state and country outlines in Google Earth.
- Images: Display images as draped on the ground, floating, vertical, and as legends.
- Flyovers: Create simple and advanced, forward-looking or circular flyovers in Google Earth.
- Cellmaps: Create maps of spatial data to illustrate highs, lows, averages, weighted averages, etc.
- Survey maps: Compute and display point locations and polygons from survey data.
- Define project units and coordinate system for new and updated project databases.
- Map (XY) and depth (Z) units can be mixed (e.g. meters and feet).
- Project dimensions now represent Output Dimensions, and units are defined. Area, volume and mass units are also defined.
- Define units and coordinate system for spatial columns in the utilities datasheet.
- Coordinate conversion options have been added to all import tools.
- Relabel coordinates for existing data/projects.
- Reproject coordinates for existing data/projects.
- Volume reports use project units
- Stratigraphy Rules provide smarter cross sections and stratigraphy models.
- "EZ" P-Data, I-Data, Stratigraphy correlation panels in striplog sections.
- Improvements to the Stratigraphy Picker and Lithology Picker programs
- Distance labels -or- coordinate labels in profile diagrams
- Display faults in sections and profiles
- Polygon maps: multiple polygons, claim maps
- Claim area and lease area calculators
- Automatically plot Horizontal Reference Lines on Sections and Profiles.
- Color-fill options for 2D Curves. Fill in either the vertical or horizontal directions.
- Added an option to plot symbols with curves or connecting lines based on P-Data.
- Model Distance to Closest Intersection based on fracture data.
- Customized Location fields on their own "groups" or tabs for great flexibility,
- Each database table can be referenced to the ground or collar elevations.
- Improved hole sorting options so enabled can show at top and boreholes can be easily grouped.
- Search for boreholes, hide disabled holes.
- Lithology, Stratigraphy, Water Level, Well Construction descriptions and Comments are now "memos" with unlimited content.
- Easily re-order I-Data, T-Data, P-Data, I-Text, P-Text columns (and they'll be remembered). Hide them, too.
- EarthApps and Utilities Datasheet
- Row checkboxes – unchecked items will not be processed.
- Filter rows based on Output Dimensions and Polygons.
- Store metadata with your datasheets.
- Specify numeric format (regional numbering systems).
- Save / load datasheet layout templates.
- Expanded Google Earth export tools - export cross sections as vertical panels, maps as floating or draped, etc.
- Diagram type saved in RockPlot2D files: unknown, map, section/profile, chart
- Diagrams store coordinate system and units.
- Added tools in RockPlot2D to hand-draw correlation panels. Includes "snap" nodes in logs, snap to lines.
- Added vertices to polygons and polylines
- Snapping tools in RockPlot2D
- Establish a default font for 2D graphics; edit them individually in the plot window.
- Apply transparency to color-filled or pattern-filled polygons.
- 2D color legends include scientific notation and prefixes & suffixes
- Expanded Google Earth export tools.
- Color schemes for 3D diagrams can be defined before they are created.
- Store one or more viewpoints for quick restoring of view position and angle.
- Extract grid models from Rw3D scenes.
- Capture distance as well as XYZ coordinates in RockPlot3D window.
- Save Vertical Exaggeration in Rw3D scenes.
- Added network license manager
- Installation program offers options for user and sample file locations
- Wildcard names for file paths
- Unicode support of non-Latin alphabets
- More consistent support of non-US number formats
- Project notes support RTF (Rich Text Format) thereby allowing for multiple fonts, font effects, and embedded imagery.
- User-specific menu settings for shared project folders.

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