v2019.3 [Apr 18, 2019]
-Upload (3/28/2019/MMM): Revision 2019.3.28 uploaded to the RockWare website.
- Bug Fix (3/27/2019/MIW): The Legend options for 3D Multiple Striplogs weren't being saved.
-Bug Fix (3/27/2019/JCJ): The PLSS Offset vs. quarter/quarter radio buttons on the tabsheet tabs are now both being updated.
-Bug Fix (3/25/2019/JCJ): Made a fix to the Land Grid tab-delimited System Table for custom grid coordinates, it was not loading the entire the point stream.
-Bug Fix (3/21/2019/JCJ): Added a fix to the database's Color Fill table, you can enable/disable all Show Label fields at once. Tabbing thru the last row will now insert an new row as the other tables do.
-Bug Fix (3/20/2019/MIW): Specifying a column for Easting or Northing columns in Utilities/Map/Grid Based Map that didn't include input units caused the program to keep asking to automatically fix input units.
- Bug Fix (3/20/2019/MIW): Failure to create a grid in Utilities/Map/Grid Based Map caused an Access Violation error.
-Bug Fix (3/20/2019/MIW): Fixed some issues displaying Color Tables and modifying label text in RockPlot3D
-Enhancement (3/18/2019/JCJ): When editing one of the "Project Tables" you may click on the column title to sort on it, and if you click one the column title a second time it will reverse the sort. Then clicking on the "Renumber" option the the "Order" column will be updated to the current sort order.
-Bug Fix (3/18/2019/MIW): The Recent Projects menu item could cause an Access Violation error in certain circumstances.
-Bug Fix (3/14/2019/MIW): The Size, Color and Font Name can now be modified in RockPlot3D Bitmap Text.
v16.0 [Jul 7, 2013]
- Point Maps: Display map locations with icons, circles, cones, cylinders, and strike and dip symbols.
- Line Maps: Display lines, polylines, tubes, parabolas, and pipelines in Google Earth.
- Polygon Maps: Display polygons, claims, leases, PLSS sections, and U.S. state and country outlines in Google Earth.
- Images: Display images as draped on the ground, floating, vertical, and as legends.
- Flyovers: Create simple and advanced, forward-looking or circular flyovers in Google Earth.
- Cellmaps: Create maps of spatial data to illustrate highs, lows, averages, weighted averages, etc.
- Survey maps: Compute and display point locations and polygons from survey data.
- Define project units and coordinate system for new and updated project databases.
- Map (XY) and depth (Z) units can be mixed (e.g. meters and feet).
- Project dimensions now represent Output Dimensions, and units are defined. Area, volume and mass units are also defined.
- Define units and coordinate system for spatial columns in the utilities datasheet.
- Coordinate conversion options have been added to all import tools.
- Relabel coordinates for existing data/projects.
- Reproject coordinates for existing data/projects.
- Volume reports use project units
- Stratigraphy Rules provide smarter cross sections and stratigraphy models.
- "EZ" P-Data, I-Data, Stratigraphy correlation panels in striplog sections.
- Improvements to the Stratigraphy Picker and Lithology Picker programs
- Distance labels -or- coordinate labels in profile diagrams
- Display faults in sections and profiles
- Polygon maps: multiple polygons, claim maps
- Claim area and lease area calculators
- Automatically plot Horizontal Reference Lines on Sections and Profiles.
- Color-fill options for 2D Curves. Fill in either the vertical or horizontal directions.
- Added an option to plot symbols with curves or connecting lines based on P-Data.
- Model Distance to Closest Intersection based on fracture data.
- Customized Location fields on their own "groups" or tabs for great flexibility,
- Each database table can be referenced to the ground or collar elevations.
- Improved hole sorting options so enabled can show at top and boreholes can be easily grouped.
- Search for boreholes, hide disabled holes.
- Lithology, Stratigraphy, Water Level, Well Construction descriptions and Comments are now "memos" with unlimited content.
- Easily re-order I-Data, T-Data, P-Data, I-Text, P-Text columns (and they'll be remembered). Hide them, too.
- EarthApps and Utilities Datasheet
- Row checkboxes – unchecked items will not be processed.
- Filter rows based on Output Dimensions and Polygons.
- Store metadata with your datasheets.
- Specify numeric format (regional numbering systems).
- Save / load datasheet layout templates.
- Expanded Google Earth export tools - export cross sections as vertical panels, maps as floating or draped, etc.
- Diagram type saved in RockPlot2D files: unknown, map, section/profile, chart
- Diagrams store coordinate system and units.
- Added tools in RockPlot2D to hand-draw correlation panels. Includes "snap" nodes in logs, snap to lines.
- Added vertices to polygons and polylines
- Snapping tools in RockPlot2D
- Establish a default font for 2D graphics; edit them individually in the plot window.
- Apply transparency to color-filled or pattern-filled polygons.
- 2D color legends include scientific notation and prefixes & suffixes
- Expanded Google Earth export tools.
- Color schemes for 3D diagrams can be defined before they are created.
- Store one or more viewpoints for quick restoring of view position and angle.
- Extract grid models from Rw3D scenes.
- Capture distance as well as XYZ coordinates in RockPlot3D window.
- Save Vertical Exaggeration in Rw3D scenes.
- Added network license manager
- Installation program offers options for user and sample file locations
- Wildcard names for file paths
- Unicode support of non-Latin alphabets
- More consistent support of non-US number formats
- Project notes support RTF (Rich Text Format) thereby allowing for multiple fonts, font effects, and embedded imagery.
- User-specific menu settings for shared project folders.