Create 2D and 3D maps for mining and construction locations, generate logs and cross sections for excavation plans, etc. The suite supports geological models, volume reports, and general geology diagrams for all types of soil. Sample analysis data is optionally imported.
RockWorks was developed to assist users in performing contouring, 2D and 3D surface mapping operations. Its integrated tools allow users to realize complex surface and subsurface analysis and can be used in petroleum, geotechnical and mining industries.
Visually, the program has a complex interface, filled with numerous tools and advanced options. Therefore, it has a deep learning curve and it's not recommended to be used by novice users. It has no other theme than the default one, which could've been more colored and better crafted.
With RockWorks you are in control over all map parameters. You can type a G value along with a tolerance to create a solid model that groups the values in a new model. Additionally, you are able to create top and bottom grid surfaces that define the new GeoBody.
This program uses multi-threading to zip through calculations of large models. This way, it uses the CPU core power of your computer to speed up your model calculations.
Furthermore, it has data tools that can be used in SQL queries, to export project tables, or to disable rows in the Utilities datasheet. more
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